Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you...
while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
-John Muir
Liam had a great idea this morning. He wanted to go mountain climbing. He asked if we could get some ropes and "climb the rocks all the way to the top of the mountain." I think he had visions of climbing El Cap or something. I suggested that we take a hike instead. He agreed, so we went to Bear Mountain, which isn't far from our house.
This is where I have to brag a little and tell you how proud of him I was. We consulted the map and decided on a trail with a cool name -- Doodletown. It is rated Difficult, so I wasn't sure how long or far we would end up going. (I must note that the trail wasn't really that tough -- it was a piece of cake compared to the "death march" Resa took us on in August.)
Liam was a real trooper. He hiked for approximately 2.5 miles and didn't whine or complain until the very, very, very end when we were in sight of the car. He made me laugh when he said, "Mommy, I have no more energy left in me."
Of course he slept the entire way home. As soon as we got to the house he was re-charged and off to the backyard -- first to play golf (and I use the term loosely), then to skateboard, and finally to his friend Nicky's house where they are currently playing outside, and from what I hear, enjoying some ice cream. be a child!