Friday, February 29, 2008

Bye Bye Betsy

Bob has finally donated his beloved Betsy to a charitable organization.
It was a very sad day for Bob as he said good bye to his friend of 10 and a half years -- one champagne '87 Merc 300 SDL

Monday, February 25, 2008

Fun New Game

Hockey Bowling anyone?
Liam has invented yet another new bowling. This is a little different from regular bowling in the following ways:

1) you play in your socks instead of bowling shoes
2) you have a stick and a puck
3) the pins are stacked in fun, creative ways
4) you can either try to get the puck through the holes without knocking the pins, or you can try to lift the puck to knock individual pins

Needless to say tons of fun was had, and a big mess was made.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Liam at his leisure

Some of the ways Liam passes the time... Dr. Noonan doing his thing.

Bob and Liam built a backyard luge track. When I looked out the window and saw Bob with a shovel moving and packing snow, I thought they were making a backyard terrain park (which would not be far-fetched for these two). They ended up making a cool run that started on the deck, ran through the yard, around the shed, and ended at the side of the house.

After sledding, Liam headed in for a little exercise. Bob tried to get a photo of Liam running drills around the cones, but all the pix turned out a bit blurry. After his "warm-up", Liam invented a game where the cones are lined-up and the object is to knock them over with slap-shots.


I'm bummin' that I didn't have the camera this week the couple times we hit the mountain for some skiing. Liam has started to ride the rails -- he is a child with a mission who is practicing, practicing, and practicing some more until he gets the skill. Mommy took one jump with the kid and quickly realized that she isn't 20 anymore.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine Day Show

This morning Liam's class put on a Valentine's Day Show for the parents. The show was followed by a party in the classroom. Turns out that Liam has a little bug, because following the party he turned green, got sick and then went home.

We think that he probably wasn't feeling all that well before school, but didn't want to miss any of the festivities. We should have been suspicious when he announced, "I feel GREAT!" first thing when he woke this morning.

The above photo was taken a couple days ago when Liam and Daddy were working on architectural masterpieces.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Do Rangers do Playdates?

Liam in his Sean Avery #16 hat watching the first period of the Rangers/Devils game this evening. (Poor little guy has to go to sleep at the first intermission -- we are such mean parents.)

So, at dinner this evening Liam asked, in all seriousness, "Mommy, I'd like to have a playdate with Sean Avery. Can you call him?" After Bob and I laughed, we had to explain that it isn't easy to contact a professional hockey player, and even if you could, he might be too busy for a playdate.