Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Glimpse at Last Week.

Playing with his new favorite toy. Even though it gets him frustrated, he still doesn't stop.

Practicing yoga with Mommy at Yoga Haven.

Liam dancing with classmates at the First Grade Dance Festival.

Reading to Jeb, our house guest for the week.

Liam and Jeb.

A glimpse of the Dance Festival.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

From GAA to O'Malley's

Michael and Liam before Gaelic Football practice at 7:45 a.m.

The boys in the back of Bobby's car.

Mikey enjoying the ride.

Playing around before Liam's game.

Bobby and Mikey playing hockey in the backyard. Mikey wanted to wear Liam's helmet. For some time all four of us, Bobby, Tonia, Mikey and Liam played hockey, but we don't have any photos. The two die-hards who continued playing were Bobby and Mikey.

Mikey, our new hockey player/fan. He came in from playing and watched the Ranger game. He declared himself a NY Ranger fan, and said he wished that his parents would watch hockey more often.

Liam eventually moved on to building a forte.

After we took Mikey home, we went home to rest. Bobby and Liam got restless so they went on a five mile bike ride, while mommy took a bath. Once they got home from the ride, they wanted to go out to dinner. They took Mommy to O'Malley's in Nyack, and we had a wonderful time.

The owners gave Liam a cap and a t-shirt. Turns out that their children play Gaelic for Rockland GAA as well.

Liam took over the jukebox. Here you can see him dancing to Thunder Struck by AC/DC. They play this at all Ranger games.