Monday, March 31, 2008

A Tale of Two Weekends

Bob's Weekend...He worked very hard all weekend getting rid of one kitchen, and rigging-up a temporary kitchen in the dinning room. Bob took out cabinets, walls, and ceilings, and put in pipes in preparation for an addition to come next year.
The fridge is blocking the family room, but we'll live with it for a new kitchen.

Liam and Tonia's weekend...
Lake Placid for some skiing, site-seeing, swimming, and shopping.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Chillin' in the kitchen before dinner on Saturday.

Liam with his Easter basket.

Preparing to go on a nature hike with Grandma.

Riding Fire.

The boys spent some quality time together in the afternoon. First they attempted to go fishing, but that didn't work out. So, they came back to the house and played outside. After playing they went to the Little House to "rest." When they came out they were all dressed up. We all really enjoyed their surprise.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Champions!

The Pearl River Pirates won the Championship this morning. They beat the Avalanche Blue 7-5.

Friday, March 14, 2008

They Won Again!!

The Pirates beat the Blackhawks this evening 8-6. The last time they played each other the Blackhawks beat them badly. The other team was very upset because they went in thinking that they would roll-over the Pirates -- they weren't expecting our players to have matured.

Championship game is Sunday 7 a.m.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dance Show

It was really hard to get a picture of The Kid that wasn't all fuzzy. The kindergartners from WOS Elementary school put on a dance show this evening. Approximately 300 children dancing their little hearts out.

We can't say that Liam isn't getting any exercise this week! On our walk home from the show he asked if we could "go bike riding, or play soccer, or SOMETHING." Bobby and Liam ended up playing "hand-ball" in the kitchen. You can probably imagine Mommy's stress-level as she worried about broken windows, glasses, etc.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pirates Win Again

The boys won again this evening. They beat the Avalanche White by a score of 3-2.

We are so proud of the Pirates -- they are definitely playing their best hockey of the season. The boys are finally learning how to take the skills they learn in lessons and at practice and apply them during the games.

Next game is Friday night. We were supposed to go to Killington this weekend for some skiing. Looks like plans have changed and we will be staying in New York!

Liam asked, "If we win, can I play even more?" You would think that the boys would be ready for the season to end -- it is six months long after all. Thank goodness for Spring Hockey.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Playoffs

Liam's team, who is the youngest and hasn't been one of the top winners this season, is in the playoffs this week. Yesterday they played their last game of the regular season and actually beat one of the top teams. We couldn't believe how well the boys played -- they went head-to-head with the bigger boys.

Liam played Center (he usually plays Left Wing) and won the majority of his face-offs, so this looks like it might be a new position for him. As one of his friends said, "Liam knows how to fire the puck, and I know how to go after it. It works."

Tonight they played their first playoff game and won 7-4. It was a very exciting game. One of the youngest guys scored the winning goal and the Pirates (and their parents) went absolutely crazy.

The boys are overjoyed to have made it to a second playoff game -- an amazing occurrence for a team who has a record of 6-14-0. They have really come into their own just as the season is wrapping-up.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Busy Day

We had one busy day. Lots of cleaning and changes. The morning started with Bob practically jumping out of bed at 7:30 and heading straight to the basement to weed things out. You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff that got removed from our home.

Liam kept saying that he was "helping the community." He thinks it is very cool when we donate things, problem is that he wants to donate absolutely everything. Bobby had to explain that some things we throw away nobody would want. We had a new shower door installed this morning. After Liam's ice skating lesson Bobby treated us to lunch, then he bought himself a little gift -- a stationary bike. He is beside himself with joy this evening. We are off to bed now so that we can get up at 5 a.m. to be on the slopes by 8.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Decisions, Decisions..."Cool" or "Handsome"

Mommy is informed every single day that a certain Kindergartner needs to look "cool." He stated that he just can't look "handsome" everyday. "Handsome" to Liam means having hair parted on the side and wearing dress cloths. "Cool" means wild hair and more surfer/skater/sports team type cloths.

Not only does he veto most of Mommy's outfit choices (they are either not cool enough or handsome enough -- what does she know,) he has also taken to styling his own hair (note tons of hair product.) Several days ago he cut his hair because the pieces that were falling on his face didn't look "cool," and they were bothering him.