Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

We decided to go sledding first thing this morning. Liam had a hard time getting his sled out from under the pile of snow. When he finally got it free, he found that a huge block of ice had formed inside the sled.

We walked up to the high school to sled. We got first tracks...and probably last, because about an hour and a half after we started sledding the precipitation turned from snow to ice/rain. Today it really paid off to be such early birds.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter Fun

Our hockey player, who was up before 6 a.m. this morning for his 7 a.m. game.

Daddy and Liam went for a cycle so that Liam could work on changing gears. Bob said the kid changed gears 1, 2, 3, no problem. Mommy was impressed, yet not really surprised, that the boys went out for a ride -- it's 24 degrees, which is a heatwave around here lately.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reading has opened a whole new world.

Liam has taken to reading the newspaper now that Obama is in office. He especially wants to see any pictures or articles that have to do with Sasha Obama, who is also seven.
Liam also wanted to check on the markets. He gets that from watching Daddy.
P.S. The cowboy hat got ripped at school today and needs to get fixed. He was upset, but quickly got over the ordeal.

"Round up the little dowgies"

Liam has decided that he will wear his cowboy hat all day, everyday, from now on. We told him while he is at home he can, but he does need to take it off in school, and at church. He thought about it, and decided he could live with that.

In the above photo he has a lasso, and is "rounding up the little dowgies." He told me dowgies means cows. Don't know if that is true, but it sounded good to me.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Fun Ski Day

A sleepy little guy on the way to the mountain.

Bob asked me to take lots of pictures today. I didn't do such a great job, because I had to keep up with Liam. There wasn't time to stop to get the camera out, this kid skies off the lift and just goes. All you hear is, "follow me."
The above photo, however, was taken because I yelled for him to stop when I noticed where he decided to drop in. I wasn't afraid for him (although maybe I should have been), I just wanted to get a photo for Daddy. Bob would have liked to have been there for Liam's first double black.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Time to start smokin' the wheels"

"Time to start smokin' the wheels," is what we heard all day long. Since is was 3 degrees outside this morning, Bob had the idea of putting the bike on the trainer so that Liam could ride it. Needless to say, Liam thought that was the bees knees. He was on the bike the entire day. The only time he got off was to go to hockey practice, to eat, and to clean the playroom. When we had to take him off for bed he had some separation anxiety.
The above photo is entirely for Bobby. He is so stoked that the bike has Shimano components, and some fancy shocks that I can't remember the name of.

Everyone got into the act today. Mommy and Daddy tried it out, but were only allowed a couple minutes each. That was okay with them, because they are both a tad large for the 20.

After dinner, Liam wanted to get a good look at the bike. He got out a flashlight and spent some quality time with his new ride.

At one point things got a little crazy. We had a wild, pirate, bike party going on in the family room. Auntie Kathleen sent Liam a cool CD by Captain Begg & Salty, a group from Portland, OR. Liam thinks they are AWESOME. While mommy cleaned up after dinner, the boys blasted the music and Liam road his bike.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Some Women Get Jewels, Some Prefer New Sports Equipment

Tonia's Christmas present arrived yesterday, and she picked it up today. Bob gave her a 2009 Cervelo S1, and she loves it. Bob knows the way to Tonia's heart -- last year he gave her some sweet skies, this year a beautiful bike.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Random shots from the weekend.

On Friday, we surprised Bobby with an "It's Celebrate Daddy Day." We met him at the door with his slippers, hugs, and gifts. Got him some new ski pants and a hat, since he ripped his pants in CO and lost his hat sometime after we got home. Then we made a yummy dinner and watched a silly movie.

The gym that Bob made out of our Living room got some good use. Bob and some of the neighborhood kids all got in a workout.

Liam went sledding on what remained of the snow.

Mommy baked some yummy pumpkin bread. Liam said she could wear his chef hat.

Mommy and Liam struck a pose before Karate on Saturday morning.