Bob has had his hands full taking care of Liam. Who knew it was so much work to get a child feed, dressed and off to school every morning, pick him up after school and then prepare dinner. It is amazing how calmly Bob handles an extremely creative, independent and energetic five-year-old.
Bobby and Liam are having tons of fun doing "guy stuff." They are definitely taking advantage of Mommy not being around and have been enjoying some freedom from having to act like perfect gentlemen all the time. The first night that Tonia was not home for dinner, the boys had soup and decided that it would be fun to slurp, slurp, slurp as loud as possible since Mommy wasn't there to tell them not to. Of course, Liam said, "Mommy, I'm not supposed to tell you, but..."
Last Sunday Bobby and Tonia went to Dutch Springs, a quarry in PA, to scuba dive. Liam stayed home with his babysitter, Kyle (our sister-in-law Sinead's cousin), who took him to a BBQ at his house. When we picked Liam up that afternoon he wasn't completely ready to leave. He had played badminton, hung out with the big kids, was taken for ice cream, got a new Yankees hat, and was able to visit with lots of fun people.
As unusual as it seems, we have only taken a few pictures since Father's Day -- and there isn't one of the little Liamiekins. Don't worry Grandparents, we should be able to get back to our regular picture taking this weekend.

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