We have finally recovered from our jet-lag and are ready to blog. Can't believe how fast the week went. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were heading to Newark to catch our flight for the great Pacific Northwest.
Note: I started putting the pictures in date order and quickly gave up.

Bob and Tonia went to breakfast with these silly kids (Liam, Kiley, and Ellis) the morning before we drove to the beach. We had so much fun. Racing to the restaurant, drawing at the table, and then hiding from Uncle Bobby every chance we got on the walk/run home.

Grom and gromettes. (Translation: young surfers)

The gang checking out the water. Ellis, Liam and Kiley we ready to get in the water and they didn't care how cold or windy the weather was.

The Marias (Marie, and Maria Theresa or Resa.)

Liam and Kiley

Uncle Tim playing soccer with Liam. Wish we had gotten some pictures of Brock and Tim playing tackle football with Ellis and Liam. It was hysterical, Ellis (who is very athletic) took no prisoners, and Liam chucked the ball before he could get tackled (although he was tackled anyway.)

Grandma knitting as Ellis and Liam did some needlepoint. Kiley was at her beach house getting some beauty rest.

Enjoying the fire. The shovel was a necessity to keep the sand out of the fire-pit.

Bob with the Dragon kite.

The GPs with the kids.

Zeba and Clay.

The Lowers

The Tyvands

Kiley, Liam and Ellis.

The kids enjoying the dinner they prepared (with a lot of supervision/help from Grandma) for the entire gang. We were sent to the Pelican Pub while they chopped and cooked.

Grandpa Tony and Marie


Kathleen and Marie dancing to Bluegrass music. Don't know how it happened, but the choice of music for the week was Bluegrass.

Tim slaving (can you see that poor face?) in the kitchen as his wife enjoys a beer. Psst, psst...can you see the dishwater on Resa's shirt? Hmmm..........

A very familiar site.

Post surf session.

Brock shared his board with Liam and Ellis. It was very cute to see them standing and "riding" the waves.

Tonia coming in after a morning session. She is the only one with a board that is too wide to carry under her arm in the cool way that everyone else does (either that or her arms are way short.)

The kids with their trophies. This was Grandma's brainchild -- there was a contest for Best Manners, Best Attitude and Most Respectful.

Brock told us about all the fun stuff to do at the Forestry Center. So on the way back to Portland Bob, Tonia, Marie and Liam stopped for a hike and to check out the sites. Most enjoyable.

Even though our flight home was delayed, we had a nice time at the airport. We couldn't believe that as we were checking in, so was a friend of Tonia's from Dharma Mittra Yoga Center. We passed the time sharing stories from our respective trips.
The staff at Portland is the friendliest we think we've ever seen. They were so helpful and were great with Liam. He helped check the bags in, got stickers, wings, and a drawing of a smiley face on his hand. Then to top it all off, the pilot invited him into the cockpit. As we were taxing down the runway, the pilot introduced himself and thanked Liam for helping to prepare the flight-deck.