"It's the little things citizens do. That's what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees."
- Wangari Maathai
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Environmental & Political Activist
Yes, we know we celebrated Earth Day a week late. But, isn't a week late better than not at all? It was all Bob's idea -- we planted 13 trees.
Tonia and Bobby had strong opinions about which trees to plant, Liam was okay with anything as long as he was able to dig in the dirt. Bobby is partial to Bradford Pears, and Tonia likes Japanese Maples - we compromised and got both.
Note: The Latin is for all the horticulturists. (How did we do Marie?)

Hi again.All those trees will be very pretty and will bring a nice coulour to your garden.
What a busy time you all have had. Hope ye get to Ireland this year.
Good job planting trees! Your right, it is never to late to celebrate Earth Day.
Tim is still working on our lawn. I helped him a little this weekend. His friend is over right now giving him some landscaping tips. Tim hopes to have the project completed by next weekend. I will keep you posted
Resa :)
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