Liam got ready this morning in half the time that it normally takes. We had a little issue getting him out of the bath and dressed, but after that he made up for lost time. He ate breakfast faster than we have ever seen, and then we were absolutely shocked when he got up and brushed his teeth without having to be asked. Brushing the teeth without a struggle is huge -- it is such a rare, rare occurrence.
He had his backpack on and was standing at the front door 40 minutes before the bus was to arrive. After 10 minutes of waiting inside he decided he needed to be at the bus stop -- "just in case the bus is early."

What a good boy you are Liam and mommy like us all trying to upset you crying silly mommy's, hope you enjoy school this shows what a big boy you are now and you looked so smart. more pictures soon please"""""
You have me crying!
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