"It was a great day, but I didn't get to skateboard." Or so Liam says.
Only a five-year-old could think that breakfast in bed, dancing with mommy to the "Hairspray" soundtrack, hitting balls at the driving range, miniature golf, swimming, shopping at
Lowes (the clothes dryer died), dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, shooting giant Nerf guns, chopping wood, enjoying a fire, playing a little baseball, and now watching a movie, isn't an outstanding day. I guess if you really want to skateboard, doing everything but is okay, but not the best.

The boys were treated to breakfast in bed. It wasn't planned that way, but two silly fellas kept yelling that they wouldn't come down stairs to eat -- they wanted "
breaky" in bed. Weren't they surprised when they actually got it. Tonia drew the line when they asked for a bell in case they needed anything.

Liam and Bobby on the way to the driving range.

We heard a lot of "did you see that one?" And that wasn't only coming from Liam.

Daddy coaching Liam. (Absolutely love this shot.)

Although far from a golfer, Tonia hit a few as well. Early on she kept saying what a stupid game golf is. As she got better, and drove a few fairly far, she was heard to say how fun golf can be.

Once we finished at the driving range, we played miniature golf. What FUN!! We had a great time. Bobby won, but Tonia's score was very close. Bobby wants a re-match tomorrow. We had so much fun, we may very well play again Monday. Liam thought that the more strokes you got the better you did -- he eventually listened to Mommy and Daddy and figured out the objective (but not soon enough to be a contender.)

Liam took the photo of Tonia and Bobby.

Daddy and Liam after a yummy dinner at out
fav Mexican restaurant.

Liam trying to shot the Nerf over the play structure. He thought that standing on the bench would improve his shot.

Liam posing with some wood he chopped. He chopped and chopped and chopped wood for 40 minutes. We made an awesome fire out of all that wood.

Finishing up outdoor time with baseball. One hit got the poor pitcher, Daddy, in the hand. All Bob could do was laugh, because he couldn't believe that the ball came back to him via the bat.
Liam does, however, need to work a on his pitching. Poor Daddy got it again in the hand. Oh well, what can you expect from a kindergarten pitcher.
Micheál would love to be at the driving range with you people, he love******* golf and play as much as possible so he may take you on next time. Good pictures keep them coming.
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