Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chef Liam Delivers One Yummy Meal

One thing is for sure...Liam loves to cook. He did not, however, inherit that from his Mommy or Daddy.

This evening her prepared a lovely veggie soup and rolls -- all from scratch, and most tasty.
Making the rolls.

Taking a banana break.

Making a call before eating the second banana.

Mixing the veggies to make a puree.

Preparing the rolls.

Liam had the bowls set up and ready to serve. He garnished with orange rind and some parsley
Liam also made a cranberry, peach, and mango juice (the kid loves to make juices!) Mommy thought it tasted good, so she made a martini with it...yummy.

Liam Ratatouille Style


itgamboa said...

Liam -I am so impressed with your cooking skills. Can't wait for you to make dinner for us.

Grandma Irene

Jordan & Mendie Welu said...

I second Irene on the "making dinner for us" bit-I bet you are a great chef, Liam. You should start up a ski/cooking school when you are older!

Merry Merry to you all,

chris said...

Brilliant cooking Liam look forward to sampling some of your food soon.
Happy New Year to you all