Liam was Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.

His class had a fun Halloween party where they played games, got tattoos, did a craft, and had some very yummy snacks. The party was followed by a cool parade of all the Kindergartners and First Graders. Psst...the girl in the back row wearing black is Liam's "girlfriend", Kristin.

Liam's cousin Michael, who is in his class.

These characters stopped by the party for a visit.
After school, we went to Aunt
Sinead and Uncle Tommy's house to meet up with Liam's cousins to go trick-or-treating. After walking around their neighborhood we headed over to
Sinead's brother Sean's house for more trick-or-treating and a pizza party.

The youngest
Noonan, Joanna (she is a fairy -- not so happy about the head-piece -- but cute non the less.)
Eoighan -- he can be very shy, but not for the camera.

Tonia as Hannah Montana, and
Sinead as a devil. After Liam's class party, Tonia had to run a few errands before picking him up from school. You should have seen the looks she got from a couple ladies in the craft store.