The team they played is one of the best in their league, and is made up of mostly eight-year-olds. Liam's team, the Pearl River Pirates, are mostly five and six year-olds. The Pirates, however, skated much better than anyone expected -- and they had a blast, which is all that matters. The coaches and parents were concerned that the little guys might get discouraged playing against such a skilled and tough team. The exact opposite happened.
You should have seen those kids at practice tonight -- they skated their little hearts out, looked better than ever, and came into the locker room with huge smiles on their faces. Liam was so proud of himself, he scored a goal during their scrimmage. He stuck his stick up in the air like a Ranger, and then high-fived his teammates -- so cute!
1 comment:
""""""WELL DONE BOYS"""""""
Give those 8 year olds something to think about, they wont beat ye for long, give it to them
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