Liam, No. 5, played Center today.

End of game pile-up on the goaltender. The boys started this last weekend, and it looks like it will become a tradition. It was so cute to see the boys speed-skate toward the goalie, throw their sticks to the ice, and then dive for the pile.

After the game we went to meet the Police, Firemen, and Rescue workers from our town. They had a Fair with all their
equipment. The highlight was watching the Rescue
Helicopter take off.

Bob's back has been hurting from playing with a stick meant for a 3 ft. 8 inch player. Today, in an attempt to save his back, and improve his game, he bought a hockey stick. Bob says that all he needs to do now is learn how to skate.

Tonia used Bob's stick, but it was way too big and almost gutted her. If she wants to play with the boys she'll have to spring for her own stick. Liam thought it would be a great idea for Mommy to get a stick so that she can go to stick-time with him. (Tonia doesn't know how her figure skates will work for hockey.)

After a little stick-time at home we headed out for a game of
Miniature Golf. Bobby won, of course.

After golf we headed to Pearl River for dinner. The boys are discussing the golf stats.
1 comment:
You lot have a very exciting life; Micheál will be delighted to hear you have taken up golf as he will draw"""" you off playing next trip.
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